Recette d'oeufs brouillés et d'avocat

Savourez un petit-déjeuner délicieux et sain avec cette recette facile d'œufs brouillés et d'avocat. Les œufs crémeux associés à l'avocat frais constituent un repas nutritif et rassasiant qui peut être personnalisé avec vos garnitures préférées comme du pain grillé, des tomates ou de la feta.

Recette d'oeufs brouillés et d'avocat

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Cours : PrincipalCuisine : MondialDifficulté : Facile


Temps de préparation


Temps de cuisson




Durée totale


Mode de cuisson

Laissez l'écran de votre appareil allumé


  • 4 4 œufs

  • 1 1 avocat

  • 1 cuillère à soupe 1 cuillère à soupe beurre

  • 2 cuillères à soupe 2 cuillères à soupe lait

  • Sel et poivre à volonté

  • Chopped chives

  • 1 pincement 1 pincement chili flakes


  • Poêle à frire
  • Spatule
  • Fork or whisk
  • Couteau
  • Planche à découper


  • Slice the avocado in half, remove the pit, and scoop the flesh out with a spoon. Slice or mash the avocado, depending on your preference. Set aside.
  • In a small bowl, crack the eggs and whisk them together with a fork. Add a pinch of salt, pepper, and the milk if you want creamier eggs.
  • Heat a non-stick pan over medium-low heat. Add the butter or olive oil. Once the butter has melted or the oil is shimmering, pour in the beaten eggs. Allow them to cook undisturbed for a few seconds until they begin to set around the edges.
  • Using a spatula, gently push the eggs from the edges toward the center, letting the uncooked eggs fill the space. Continue this process until the eggs are softly scrambled and slightly runny (about 2-3 minutes). Remove from heat just before they’re fully cooked, as they will continue to cook from residual heat.
  • Plate the scrambled eggs and top with slices of avocado or mashed avocado. Season with an extra pinch of salt and pepper. Garnish with chopped chives or cilantro and a sprinkle of chili flakes if desired.
  • Serve with toast on the side, or add a few slices of cherry tomatoes and crumbled feta for extra flavor.


  • Keep the heat on low to medium-low for soft, creamy eggs. High heat can make the eggs rubbery.

Can I make scrambled eggs without milk?

Yes, you can skip the milk. It adds creaminess, but if you prefer your eggs lighter or don’t have milk on hand, simply omit it. The eggs will still turn out soft and fluffy.

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