Bienvenue dans le guide ultime de la recette parfaite de l'œuf à la confiture ! Que vous l'ajoutiez à vos ramen, à votre salade ou que vous le dégustiez seul, un œuf confit parfaitement cuit peut rehausser n'importe quel plat. Suivez cette recette étape par étape pour obtenir un jaune d'œuf riche et crémeux enveloppé d'un blanc tendre.

La recette de l'œuf parfait

Recette de Lily
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Cours : PrincipalCuisine : WorldwideDifficulté : Facile


Temps de préparation


Temps de cuisson




Mode de cuisson

Laissez l'écran de votre appareil allumé


  • 1 1 Large egg

  • 500 ml 17 fl oz l'eau

  • Ice water (enough to cover the egg in a bowl)

  • 1 cuillère à café 1 cuillère à café vinaigre


  • Petite casserole
  • Cuillère creuse
  • Bol
  • Timer


  • Remplir une petite casserole d'eau. Ajouter 1 cuillère à café de vinaigre. Porter l'eau à ébullition à feu vif.
  • Gently lower the egg into the boiling water using a slotted spoon. Reduce the heat slightly to maintain a gentle boil. Set your timer for 7 minutes for a perfect jammy consistency.
  • While the egg is boiling, fill a bowl with ice water. This will stop the cooking process immediately once the egg is done.
  • After the timer goes off, use the slotted spoon to transfer the egg from the boiling water to the ice bath. Let the egg sit in the ice bath for at least 2 minutes to cool completely.
  • Gently tap the egg on a hard surface to crack the shell. Roll it under your palm to loosen the shell, then carefully peel it off, starting from the wider end.
  • Slice the egg in half to reveal the perfect jammy yolk. Enjoy it on its own or as a topping for your favorite dishes.


  • For an extra flavor boost, marinate the peeled eggs in a mixture of soy sauce, mirin, and a touch of sugar for a few hours or overnight.

What is a Jammy Egg?

A jammy egg is a boiled egg where the white is firm yet tender, and the yolk is rich and creamy, resembling the texture of jam. This delightful state of the yolk is achieved by boiling the egg for a precise amount of time, followed by an immediate plunge into an ice bath to halt the cooking process. Jammy eggs are popular in various cuisines, especially in Asian dishes like ramen, and they also make a fantastic addition to salads, toast, or enjoyed as a snack on their own.

How to Make Jammy Eggs?

To make jammy eggs, you need a few simple ingredients and basic kitchen equipment. Here’s a quick summary of the steps involved:
1. Boil Water: Start by bringing a pot of water to a rolling boil. Adding a bit of vinegar can help prevent the egg from cracking.
2. Cook the Egg: Carefully lower the egg into the boiling water and set a timer for exactly 7 minutes.
3. Ice Bath: Once the timer goes off, transfer the egg to an ice bath to stop the cooking process.
4. Peel and Enjoy: After the egg has cooled, peel it and enjoy the perfectly jammy yolk.

How do I avoid overcooking the yolk?

The key is to follow the timing precisely and to plunge the eggs into an ice bath immediately after boiling. This stops the cooking process and ensures a perfectly jammy yolk.

Why add vinegar to the boiling water?

Vinegar helps to coagulate the egg white if the shell cracks during boiling, preventing the egg white from spreading out in the water.

Can I make jammy eggs ahead of time?

Yes, you can store peeled jammy eggs in the refrigerator for up to three days. If marinated, they can last even longer, soaking up more flavor over time.

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