Œufs brouillés aux poivrons, oignons et fromage Recipe

Elevate your breakfast routine with this delicious recipe for scrambled eggs with bell peppers, onions, and cheese. It’s a simple yet flavorful dish that combines fluffy eggs with the crunch of bell peppers, the sweetness of sautéed onions, and the creamy richness of melted cheese. Perfect for busy mornings or a leisurely brunch, this recipe is quick to prepare and packed with protein, making it a satisfying start to your day.

Scrambled Eggs with Onions and Peppers Recipe

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Cours : PrincipalCuisine : MondialDifficulté : Facile


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Temps de cuisson




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Mode de cuisson

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  • 4 4 Œufs

  • 1 1 Bell Peppers

  • 1 1 Onion

  • 60 g 60 Cheese

  • 2 cuillères à soupe 2 Milk or Cream

  • 1 cuillère à soupe 1 Beurre

  • Salt and black pepper to taste


  • Poêle à frire
  • Fouet ou fourchette
  • Spatule
  • Planche à découper
  • Couteau
  • Bol à mélanger


  • Dice the bell peppers and finely chop the onion. Set aside.
  • Faire chauffer le beurre dans une poêle à feu moyen.
  • Add the chopped onion and bell peppers to the pan. Cook for about 5 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the vegetables are soft and the onions are translucent.
  • While the vegetables are cooking, crack the eggs into a mixing bowl.
  • Add a pinch of salt, black pepper, and milk or cream if using. Whisk until the eggs are fully combined and slightly frothy.
  • Pour the egg mixture into the pan with the sautéed vegetables.
  • Let the eggs sit undisturbed for a few seconds, then gently stir with a spatula, pushing the eggs from the edges toward the center.
  • Continue cooking until the eggs are softly scrambled, which should take about 3-4 minutes.
  • Just before the eggs are fully set, sprinkle the shredded cheese evenly over the eggs.
  • Stir gently to incorporate the cheese, allowing it to melt into the eggs.
  • Once the cheese is melted and the eggs are cooked to your desired doneness, remove the pan from the heat.
  • Transfer the scrambled eggs to plates, garnish with fresh herbs if desired, and serve immediately.

Can I use different types of bell peppers?

Yes! You can use any color of bell pepper—red, green, yellow, or orange. Each color has a slightly different flavor, with red and yellow being sweeter, while green bell peppers have a more robust, slightly bitter taste.

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